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Oliver Diaz

Baili Kleinmann


"My time at Chase College of Law has been some of the best three years I’ve had. Throughout the past three years, I’ve been able to be involved in so many different projects and meet new people who share like minds in advocating for those who do not have a voice in our legal system. Chase has an excellent support system through their professors, career development office, and everyone in between. Every person that I’ve had the pleasure of meeting at Chase has always pushed me to be the best I can be, and that has resulted in my experience in the following areas:
  • Externship with the Kentucky Innocence Project
  • Externship with the Washington State Attorney General’s Office
  • Member of Chase’s Trial Team for two years
  • Inducted into the Order of Barristers for excellence and commitment to advocacy"


Justin Gibson

Jarvis Graham


Jarvis Graham is a 2009 graduate of Spelman College where she earned a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology and a 2019 graduate of the Jack, Joseph, and Morton Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences at Case Western Reserve University where she earned a Master of Science in Social Service Administration. Currently, Ms. Graham is in her first year at the Salmon P. Chase College of Law at Northern Kentucky University, in the part-time evening program. At Chase, Jarvis is a member of the Black Law Students Association, Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity, and will be serving as the Part-Time Vice President for the Student Bar Association for the 2022-2023 school year. During her 1L year, Jarvis placed third in the KMK Law Diversity Case Competition and participated in the Chase Law-sponsored 1L opening statement competition.  

Jarvis is a Community Relations Manager at UC Health and has experience in social services, volunteer management, event planning, development, and government relations.

Christopher Meyer

Christopher Meyer


"My experience with Chase has been fantastic.  It consists of engaging professors who are dedicated to helping students become effective lawyers.  Every day, I enjoy being among my fellow students and being part of the Chase community.  My favorite part is being able to hear the perspectives of a diverse and able group as we navigate the law. While pursuing my legal aspirations, I have been able to grow my family (welcoming my first child during the finals week of my 1L year) and my career as a member of the evening division.  After completing a degree in Bioengineering and working in the fields of software development and database administration, this was vital for me.  Through the Lunsford Academy, I was able to connect with professionals in the field and to focus my legal education on this merger."


Sydney Gregory

Jasmyne Shaw


"I have enjoyed my time at Chase. My goal was to immerse myself in everything Chase had to offer. I have been a member of our National Trial Team, competed in the opening statement competition, served as President of the Black Law Students Association, and served as a Chase Ambassador. The experiences I've gained have helped me prepare to be an attorney. I cannot imagine attending any other college."


Sydney Gregory

Daniel Elmlinger


"Professors bring real-world experiences to classrooms, which helps students understand both the legal theory and the practical application of the theory. Every professor’s enthusiasm for students’ success empowers students to ask questions and receive answers, which sharpens critical thinking and analytical skills."


Sydney Gregory

Carla Saldivar


"Working with the Kentucky Innocence Project at Chase has taught me to be an advocate. While reviewing a client’s file, you may find ‘good’ facts and you may find ‘bad’ facts, but knowing that your client is counting on you to investigate and to tell his or her story pushes you to be a loyal and zealous advocate."