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Rev. David Meredith

As former pastor at Clifton United Methodist Church, Rev. David Meredith called his congregation and the community to action in response to injustice. David continues that effort in retirement. He is a strong advocate for the LGBTQ community in the United Methodist denomination – locally and nationally. He has worked with Cincinnati Area Urban United Methodists, AMOS Project of Cincinnati, Ignite Peace, Metropolitan Area Religious Coalition of Cincinnati, the Cincinnati Sanctuary Congregations Coalition, and others for economic, criminal, racial, and immigration justice. His career included the same in Kansas City, MO, and Ohio congregations in Oxford, Indian Hill, Newtown, and Columbus.

Rev. Meredith married Jim Schlachter in 2016. They have been together since 1987. Their marriage prompted ecclesial charges, judicial processes, and threat of removal from ministry and loss of credentials to David as gay, married clergy. The long journey for affirmation of lgbtq+ persons in the UMC culminated in 2024 with the removal of all language targeted at lgbtq+ clergy in United Methodist law. “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it.” In the world, church, and community, David has carried that light so that everyone may know they are indeed a beloved child of God, no matter what!