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Credit Hours: 3
Description: In the seminar, we will discuss and debate some of the interesting and controversial constitutional issues concerning law and religion (two topics they say that you are not supposed to discuss in polite company). These include some general factors in the constitutional interpretation of the Establishment and Free Exercise Clauses, such as framers’ intent, the conflict between the two clauses, government neutrality toward religion and the nature and scope of religious freedom. We will also take up some particular controversies and cases. These more specific topics will include religion and the public schools, government aid to religion and governmental endorsement of religion. Finally, we will also reargue some famous Supreme Court cases in these areas. You may, but do not have to, write your paper on a case you reargue.  This paper can also qualify for the AWR Research requirement. You may write your paper on any of the cases or topics we cover in the seminar. Students enrolling in this course should have previously taken Constitutional Law I & II or else be taking Constitutional Law I concurrently with this seminar.
Prerequisite: None