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Credit Hours: 0 - Pass/Fail

The purpose of these sessions is to build on critical skills necessary to success in law school, on the bar exam, and in the practice of law.  Various hands-on activities will help you master skills such as careful reading, issue spotting, structuring an answer, managing time, balancing the analysis of a close question, and taking both multiple choice and essay tests.  Although everyone is welcome to attend, students on academic warning must register as well.  You must register for and attend the section designated to your division in school.  If you are required to participate in ELA, you must arrange your course and work schedules around the scheduled section for your division.

For ELA II, You must register for the same ELA II section as your Con Law section because that course is used as the substantive basis for the skills instruction.

Effective Legal Analysis I is limited to first-year students, who must sign up in the division—day or evening—in which they take the majority of their doctrinal classes.  Effective Legal Analysis III is limited to part-time students in their fourth semester, but one section accommodates students in the day and evening divisions.

Prerequisite: None